Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rain, Sweet Rain!

It's been a long time since we've had any meaningful rain.  But starting last night we've had a nice downpour (and it's still raining.)  We even have PUDDLES in the yard!  Hallelujah!

It hasn't rained much since Alice has had her new outdoor patio.  I rearranged the perches in the patio so her tall perch is on the east side and Alice is in full sight through the window in the door at the end of the hallway.  This morning when I got up while it was still raining, this picture is what I saw at the end of the hall: one owl thoroughly enjoying sitting in the rain.

It's important that captive birds have choices.  You never know when they want to be in the rain, out of the rain, in the heat or cold, in the climate controlled house, or whatever.

Iris chose to stay out of the rain, as did Rusty until early this morning.  Just like people, not everyone wants the same thing at the same time in life.


  1. I'm glad you got rain today. I like the picture of Alice sitting in the rain; she looks a little drenched but content.


  2. I think choice is a key component in keeping a 'wild' animal happy.

  3. Love the pic and the report Karla, Alice looks happy with her usual "Attitude!" LOL

  4. In case you don't see my post in chat, I checked in on Rusty and Iris just before 9:00 this evening and saw a squirrel in the flight pen. It was on the floor, came from the right side and went to the water pan, then up the right side wall. Didn't see it again tonight.

  5. Jeepers, I still can't figure out where those buggers get in. Seems like they mostly just sneak in for a sip of water.

  6. My observations of the wild owls that nest in my backyard confirms what you say about them choosing to sit in the rain sometimes even though they have shelter nearby. Here is a link to a picture of one of my owls after one rainstorm where she chose to stay out in the open: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bobandthebirds/5756357504/
